Work in progress

The process of developing an art image can be complex. It starts with the idea we want to express, and then the artist must use their original thinking to create the visual side of the project.

The technical side also plays a role in the final output. Acrylic results in more rough images when the oil allows smooth blending of colors. Acrylic as underpainting serves well since the painter doesn’t have to oilproof the brown sketch with a layer of gelatine/glue. Otherwise, the oil would wash off the water-based color of the first sketch.

With acrylic the proofing step is no longer necessary.

The traditional painting process usually consists of 3 steps.

1) Underpainting – to create the boundaries of the colors / Traditionally, the painter used brown or grey color

2) First layer of colors

3) Finishing

The paintings below are executed so far in acrylic.